Wednesday 21 January 2009

Salvo's elegy for enterprise.

I can't get no credit
But I h'ain't gonna let it get me down
No, sir

I can't get no credit
But I won't cry the tears of no clown
No, sir

I can't get no credit
But I h'ain't gonna wear no fools frown
No, sir

I can't get no credit
But I won't let my head drop down
No, Sir

I can't get no credit
Cos my equity line of credit h'aint liquid and collateral values have decreased so that 80 per cent L.T.V. has no solvency or liquid underwriting the fixed rate depreciation of liquid solvency.


Dedicated to Sean Fitzpatrick.

1 comment:

Made said...

Nice happy face - maby a bit too happy ;-)
I like this drawing style with just black lines.

Maby you like to upload some of your great work to the comic community I programmed together with other artists

Its completely free, just driven by artists and very active. Although its quite new on the web, it has already a fine selection of international comic artists.

I know you would find a lot of new fans there :-)

Martin Sander (